Marine CP


Providing Corrosion Protection Solutions Utilising:

Aloline® & Zincoline galvanic (sacrificial) anodes
Aquamatic® Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) systems using six pulse technology
Remote Monitoring Capability
Shaft Grounding & Monitoring

Antifouling, Marine Growth Prevention Systems:

Anfomatic® antifouling & corrosion mitigation systems
Hull & Tank Protection and Box Cooler Anodes
Aloline® & Zincoline hull & tank anodes are supplied worldwide
Aluminium & Zinc anodes protect steel hulls, tanks & other submerged metallic structures & are cast at our foundry in Stockton-on-Tees, UK

Servicing & Replacement Parts

Worldwide ICCP & Antifouling Services


Brian Morfoot

ICCP and Aquamatic

Chris Brogden 

 Anti Fouling and Anfomatic